"Children are not the church of the future they are part of the church today!"
Luke 18:16-17 But Jesus called the children come to him and said “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth; anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
Our Crèche exists to aid in building good foundations for our children during their early years and to reinforce the message ‘Jesus loves us’.
Our aim is to provide a safe and loving environment where parents can leave their children with confidence during the morning service. We believe parents should model to their children the importance of being part of a Christian community and of regularly worshipping together.
Our Crèche provides children with some 'first steps' in church family life. The morning consists of free play (either outside in the sandpit, or inside with blocks, dolls or puzzles) and morning tea.
Please sign your own children IN and OUT of creche and inform the creche of where you are seated in the auditorium.
Please be prompt picking up children after the service.